
Salary Calculator Croatia

Calculate your take-home salary in Croatia

How you receive your salary on paper.

This is your gross salary that you receive before taxes.

Your gross salary results after tax deduction. For detailed breakdown, please see the Salary Tax Breakdown 2024.
Gross Salary€0€0
Total Deductions€0€0

2024 Salary After Tax Breakdown in Croatia

Detailed Breakdown of Taxes and Contributions

With a gross annual income of €0, our Salary After Tax Calculator for Croatia estimates your net monthly income to be around €0. This represents approximately NaN% of your gross monthly income deducted as taxes and contributions.

Below is a detailed breakdown of the taxes and contributions deducted from employment earnings in Croatia, as calculated by our salary after tax calculator.

Your gross salary results after tax deduction. For detailed breakdown, please see the Salary Tax Breakdown 2024.
Gross Income€0€0
Total Deductions (NaN%)€0€0
> Health Insurance Contribution€0€0
> Pension Contribution€0€0

What is the Minimum Salary in Croatia?

According to Croatia's National Employment Office

In Croatia, the national minimum wage is set at approximately EUR 500 per month for employees aged 21 and over. This equates to an annual income of approximately EUR 6,000.

After accounting for taxes and social security contributions, an individual on the Croatian minimum wage would net approximately EUR 400 each month. Croatia's minimum wage aims to provide a basic standard of living and is adjusted annually in line with inflation.

What is the Average Salary in Croatia?

According to the Croatian Bureau of Statistics

According to the latest figures, the average annual salary in Croatia is around €16,000. However, this number can vary significantly based on factors such as your profession, experience, and the region you work in. The median gross monthly salary in Croatia is approximately €1,333, but this can be higher in major cities like Zagreb and Split.

Croatia's job market offers competitive salaries, especially in sectors like IT, engineering, and tourism. Below is a comprehensive overview of median salaries by region within Croatia. We also provide insights into net salaries after tax deductions, offering a clearer picture of what you might expect to take home.

Average monthly salary per region in Croatia.
RegionMonthly Salary Before TaxMonthly Salary After Tax